
Non-standard errors

Finance (forthcoming)

with FINCAP team

Link to paper
Crypto market dynamics in stressful conditions

Applied Economics (2022)

with Paolo Mazza and Mikael Petitjean

Link to paper
The rise of fast trading: Curse or blessing for liquidity?

Finance (2022)

with Catherine D'Hondt and Mikael Petitjean

Link to paper
Googlization and retail trading activity

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2021)

with Catherine D'Hondt

Link to paper


2022 ICHEC Quaresmi Seminar (Brussels, BE)
ICHEC Research Lab Seminar (Brussels, BE)
2020 6th International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance (Online)
2019 32nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (Sydney, AU)
New Zealand Finance Meeting (Auckland, NZ)
3rd European Capital Market Workshop (Dublin, IR)
LFIN Seminar (Mons, BE)
2018 35th AFFI Conference (Paris, FR)
Belgian Financial Research Forum (Brussels, BE)
2nd European Capital Market Workshop (London, UK)
Financial Econometrics Conference (Lancaster, UK)
Warsaw International Economic Meeting (Warsaw, PL)
2017 Doctoral forum in management (Mons, BE)
3L Workshop (Brussels, BE)
2016 PhD Workshop (Namur, BE)
3L Workshop (Brussels, BE)
33rd AFFI Conference (Liege, BE)